This test defines your personality type and has 28 questions. It was created by the founder of Associative socionics - psychologist and author Tangemann O.B. A revolutionary non-verbal method of psycho-diagnostics is based on the associative theory of colour- and music preferences with the reference to psychophysiology. It opens a new chapter in objective scientific testing and understanding personality types from the perspective of subconscious preferences. Type profiles are based on materials from Olga Tangemann 2013 © Associative Socionics
1. You are a doubtful person and tend to put everything into question. You often think about what was before and what will be in the future avoiding thinking about here and now issues. How it all began and how it developed? You day dream a lot, use your vivid imagination and phantasy. You are sensitive and attentive to changes.

3. You are a very smart person and you are always right. You trust more your head than your heart. You like things to be in order. You decide whether something is right or wrong, true or false. You are thinking about reasons and consequences and looking for the principles, structure, consistency. You do what you have to do based on what is necessary and sufficient. Placing importance on clarity of expression. Checking the rights, duties, obligations. Working in conjunction with already existing rules and regulations.

4. You are a very self- critical person, always in touch with you conscience. You observe the behaviour of others and judge them in terms of how god or bad is what they think and say. You understand what good and bad is and happy to give an advise on the relationship matters. You can understand and feel other people's feelings, motives, wishes, needs. You are a sincere person but often hide your feelings from others as you don't want upset them unnecessary.

5. You are a person of a strong character. People notice your inner strength. You can hide you inner power or be openly pushy and bossy. You enjoy you power and influence. You have an ability and competence of standing up for yourself and for you loved once. You are tough and persistent. You know what you want and often act by the impulse.

7. Having insights and relying heavily on intuition in order to problem solve. Keeping options open for as long as possible in order not to rush decisions. Having an ability to recognize a scam or a con artist. Making valid predictions as to the course and outcome of events. An ability to use your imagination whenever necessary and fabricate a story at any time to convince others. Spontaneously finding your way out of a situation.

9. You are resourceful, inventive, curious, enthusiastic and full of ideas. For you there are no hopeless situations. Relying successfully on insight. Leaning towards things interesting, novel, exciting. You want to work on unique projects and be different from the rest. You prefer to go with the flow and to be open for the future opportunities. You do not think twice, you make your decision and take your chance.

10. In arguments and conflicts with other people, you do not delve into their subjective feelings and motives, but seek objective rationale for everything. You are convinced by references of rules and facts. You are able to explain the logic behind various mechanisms, acts, or deeds involved. You rely on your mind. You may not always understand the reaction of other people to your words. You find it difficult to interpret people's emotions . You are not always sure how you feel about others or how others may feel about you. You would prefer people to say it to you directly. You may find easier to work with technology, computers or figures.

13. You always find what to do workwise, always on the go to achieve your goals. You know how to do things quickly, efficiently and with a maximum result. Using and utilising instructions and algorithms. You enjoy being a handy man - the most experienced and skilful person around the house. There is no small job for you. You know how things work and easily manipulate instruments, equipment and tools. You trust your head, facts and statistics.

17. You understand about health, aesthetics and harmony on the physical level of sensations. You are a gourmet, appreciate beautiful things and collect them. You know what something look, taste or blend better with. You are a master to create the relaxing atmosphere at home and at work. You know well your body and what is good or not good for you. You are good at cooking and many other hands' on tasks like gardening or fishing. You enjoy the atmosphere of peace and quiet, nature, sun and water.

18. You delve into people’s feelings, motives, needs. You are very able to harmonize and inspire the people around you. You are always there for others. You enjoy being and working with people , you value human rights and morality. You feel confident about understanding other people's problems and resolving the disputes between them. If you made an argument and fall apart with the person you usually know what to do in order to get back together. You can always find words of moral support and encouragement. You can say sorry even if it was not your fault. You trust your heart.

20. You are a very emotional person. You know how to convey your mood; how to create a social atmosphere; how to coerce, persuade, influence, transform, subdue, endear, or entice.

26. You - a materialist, you appreciate and collect the beautiful and quality items. You like to touch, hold or smell objects to check them out for texture and quality. You rely on your senses substantially on a day to day basis. You can protect yourself and adequately apply physical force in order to gain control over situation. You are able to work in environments which occasionally may involve noxious odours and disagreeable sights; you can work through stressful situations and easily resist giving in to others. You appreciate open and sincere people, who talks business. You do not read between the lines, do not like ambiguity. Always asking for specific examples and more details, if you don't understand something. Preferring the traditional and proven methods.

This is the best typology-based test that I’ve taken part in so far, in fact the only one that I have much time for.
great test
Thank you very much, Steven!
I really don’t see what the colours have to do with anything, I am really confused. What’s the theory behind them?
Hi, Kevin. The theory behind them can be found in the Theory section on this website. The idea is pretty simple and down to preferences. Preferences are down to physiology. Physiology shows your stable core of personality and so the type is as it does not change during life. The rational behind the theory is described in the article about information-energy model Butterfly. But I would advice to start with something simple like articles about Associative typology and Method of associative socionics.
Kevin, have you done the test? All tests fluctuate the result and therefore we need to do them 3 times and not in a row but in a while.
In this particular test the colour part (non-verbal) is not leading but compensating the verbal part. The colour choices direct to personality orientation and group features which in Associative Socionics relate to the type of psychic energy.
For example, if you choose dark colours you get in to the group of Superid -types and your leading psychic energy will be Superid. Then you can look in the section Psychodiagnostics – Art – Superid to see if you understand and like Superid aesthetics. There are a few pages also on the forum you can look at to decide about your type: photogallery and type profile, music and art of your type on the forum in the Russian sub-forum . If you need any guidance through the website and forum – I will be glad to help you. 🙂
Yesenin (IEI) this is my third socionics test, and all the results have been the same- I would say this test is definitely accurate! 🙂
Thanks, RedCabbage for a positive feedback! Nice to know that. 🙂
tests fit all the time, thanks