VD – Sensory

VD – Sensory

In this document, I want to collect the statements of socionists in FB groups about how and in what they see as the manifestation of a stronger sensory (sensing) in relation to intuition. To me, these kinds of comments seemed useful, especially since not everyone explains anything at all. Perception is irrational and it is very difficult to translate it into a language of rational judgment.

Saoirse Ronan

Saoirse-Ronan-Mary-Queen-of-ScotsRegarding Ronan’s sensory and ituition. We do not have direct evidence, only regarding the situation – what she says and how she behaves. Aushra writes that gait and gestures are angular. What can you say about how Ronan flopped into a chair? Pretty confident planted herself. Тhen it was about a person’s mask – whether it was comfortable and the masked man replied that everything was in order. Further on the dialogue, the facilitator says that she has already received several Oscars at her young age. She begins to answer, but is distracted, noticing something on the table and asks about it. Then, rubbing her nose, she returns to the question of the presenter and reports that this always happens unexpectedly (reward), as if she never expects success or does not know exactly when it comes and when not. UnknownThis is a comfortably relaxed sensory behavior such as flopping down in a chair, rubbing your nose, paying attention to some trifle on the table and voicing your interest, saying that events are never expected, but how they happen by themselves and surprise with their unexpectedness – you can coupe attributed to the sensor Renon.

Joaquin Phoenix 

kinopoisk.ruI see his type as SEE. Does not he has a sex appeal typical for this type called Napoleon? Napoleons know their worth very much, as a rule, consider themselves to be a king – a deer in relation to physical grace. 🦌As for the bright extraversion, it may not be obvious, not striking at least in his photos. After all, this type is sensory, not emotional dominance. Given the vulnerable logic, they especially want to look like a smart person. Therefore, gossiping at the camera is not about Napoleons. That is, the most important thing to see in this type is sensory and ethics. How to make out the sensory? Impressive posture, self-confidence. Sensors have no doubts about this. They feel their body. The look is straight, somewhat stubborn and direct. Not a distracted look, looks straight at the camera and confidently. There is no desire to look away. Like animals, the eyes do not look away, such a confident look. Open shirts with chest and some jewelry – all this adds sex appeal to SEE.kinopoisk.ru The look is somewhat charming. Irrationality – in the relaxed nature of his poses. He cares about how he feels, comfortable or not. The society norms do not dominate on the self – value and confidence. Freedom is a value here. We also see some unusual images. This is irrationality and not leading judgement ( not logic or ethic). Extraversion? Open face and posture, showing your body, wide smiles.

C. L.

He’s (Alessandro Borghi) got a very fierce /piercing gaze of someone who’s aware of the environment and ready to take challenges which is something I normally associate to Se ego.

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  He seems to be rather Se ego, however. Present and focused in his gaze.

Olga T.
Detailed, concrete, realistic images that can be either heavy, aggressive, powerful, rough and somewhat primitive in pattern and colour, if the function of extroverted sensory is involved. Such images may also seem vulgar and tasteless.

Either these are images refined in their detail and combination of colours and textures that convey the atmosphere and mood through subtle sensations if introverted sensing is involved.

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