General advice on how to type the person visually

What should you consider when identifying the type of the person by using the tool  of visual diagnostics?
You consider not only external features and facial expressions, which show a variety of mental energy of a person, but also his/her clothes too. Clothing reflects the image of the type that a person is trying to create, to show different sides of himself. How diverse, traditional or unusual, the brightness of colors, shape, etc.
In clothes, it is important not only how a person dresses up to the public in special cases, but also everyday, which one finds comfortable. A person feels “at ease” when his type of energy surrounds him. Then he spends a minimum of energy and gets a maximum to maintain his psychic balance. Please, argue whenever possible with reference to brief descriptions of types in photo galleries on this website.
We evaluate the image that a person creates – type image – by using the same criteria as any work of art and music. I will point out the necessary links below.
As you can see, visual psychodiagnostics is reaching a new level. We do not take into account the distance between the nose and the ear, but we evaluate and judge the personality more holistically and comprehensively, given that the person himself and his image are a work of art:

Criteria for assessment preferences in art through the prism of typology.

I would like help with reasoning about her type, because we need not only to recognize it, but also to rationally argue.
Start to evaluate the image of the person with how ordinary (classic style) or unusual his|her outfits are, how aesthetic they are – this will direct your choice of rationality and irrationality.
Are her outfits expressive, bright and colorful, as open as poses of the body and facial expressions? This will direct you in deciding about extraversion-introversion.
Statics – dynamics are also evaluated by outfits and postures, but may not always be noticeable.

If you chose rationality, then you should decide about the leading function between logic and ethics. If it seems to you that she has an irrational type, then choose between sensory and intuition.
After you have decided on the program function, it remains to choose the compensating one and this will be either logic / ethics for irrational types or sensory / intuition for the rational types.
And do not be afraid to make mistakes! Opinions can be changed in the process of reflection. Take a look at the galleries – they are there to help you to see if you are on the right truck with your ideas about the type. Does the personal image look like the image of other representative of the type or not? What is the person trying to tell about himself|herself in photos?

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