Alessandro Borghi – SEE

Allessandro  Borghi’s type  was identified as Sensory Ethical Extravert based on the following manifestation of his typical traits and similarity to Robbie Williams.

1. Extraversion. Open gaze, face expressions, postures, eye catching style of dress, confidentiality in public interactions.






2.Irrationality. Unusual modern style of hair dressing and colourful outfits which do not fit the classic style and could be considered  as a sign of the leading perception and sensing. “Relaxed, comfortable, informal, easy going” style of clothing.

GettyImages-493196884Roma, Red Carpet "Suburra" . Pictured : Alessandro BorghiItaly: 'mother!' Venice Film Festival Gala Screening And World PremiereFestival+host+Alessandro+Borghi+Loving+Pablo+1HzONbJmB1Olimages3.Statics. The poses in the pictures are static but more important is the absence of sharp colour contrasts in his style of dressing.





All three traits point together to  the group of  fun- loving Id-types.

Sensing. One of the best dressed men in the Venice Film Festival 2017. Loves his clothes and his looks. Takes a pride in his appearance, sends the energy vibes of  loving life, clothes and having fun. Wears men jewellery. Very direct and confident gaze. Likes coloured outfits. Shows naturally power of aggression (Se) in some of his roles.


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41824Ethics. Shows sensitivity of his nature, the wish to be liked – lots of smiles and open face expressions which can be perceived as a naturally charming. Pays extra attention to his looks and what impression he makes on people. Wears clothes of flowery design. Easy going, friendly, open for the interactions with people.

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