Superid design

     In this pub, the energy of Supperid is noticeable. The one who furnished it, either belongs to or gravitates (subtype) to the energy of Superid. The pub is very old. The furniture items that are there are old and simplified to meet the time period. Everything is worn out, but it can not be seen in the photo as good as it is in reality.
When we wear a lot something, the thing loses its appearance and we throw it away. And here, on the contrary, what is getting older, that is the best fit. This is Ni, of course. So I understand that the spirit of time can cast images in those types with a strong Ni.
   If you look at the colour theme, then a lot of black and contrast with the yellow – this is a combination of irrationality. On the fifth photo, there is a red spot on the floor, I noticed it only in the photo. It is possible that according to Ni there can be imagined a blood spot which is an irrational idea because there should not be spots on the floor in the pubs….
In the last photo red chairs on a dark background relate to e dynamics. Dynamic + Introverted + Irrational = Superid. And even in spite of the fact that there are no attributes of the Hallowe’en,  it can be easily added and it will fit perfectly such as mould, spider webs, roots sticking out of the floor and skeletons.
Pay attention to the design of the table with a candle – this is an obvious Superid design. The legs of the table resemble the legs and claws of the animal. Something similar we see in the design of the cathedral in Barcelona, which also relates to the energy of Superid. The Cathedral in Barcelona, like many other similar buildings, was built by Antonio Gaudi. His buildings are referred to the style of the Modern.

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