As a result of Alex type -diagnostics he was offered for consideration type ILE with a subtype LIE. By preferences in art and on the tests results Alex’ type was defined as an irrational one with little margin Superid over Id. With addition of new rather extraverted pictures it was clear that Alex is an extravert. By Alex musical preferences he is an obvious extravert. Statics and dynamics are balanced in his music and art preferences. Extraversion and irrationality pointed to the Id-type and ILE.
Results of associative tests:
Non-verbal test:
1. Type: Balzac, Superid
Subtype: Jack London, the Ego
Profile: Dynamic
2. Type: Balzac, Superid
Subtype: Jack London, the Ego
Profile: Dynamic
Associative test:
1. ILE
2. ILI
Test for psychodynamics:
1. Irrational type Superid-Id.
2. Static profile || id-superego-ego -superid.
Irrationality can be assumed with a very high certainty, it is the most striking feature of Alex’s psychodynamics. The dynamics is manifested by tests of a little more than static. Based on the results of the tests only we may suggest his type to be ILI with subtype ILE or vice versa.
he art preference:
Alex: “I’m not good at the art preferences. The pictures I somehow like are the scenery, big spaces or some place where you can walk along the paths mentally. I like the original pictures, which you do not need to guess what the artist wanted to say.. but to feel the picture and immerse in that unusual world imagine as if you were there. I like the original and novel idea well №1 -.. is a picture about space and infinity like almost all animals, and photos like “…
Does not like:
Alex: “I do not like the pictures out of the blue some primitive abstract when the magnitude is scanty, and the person is trying to portray the supposedly something special. I also don’t like conventional still life, people, and so on. I do not like aggressive, extravert picture, I love the pictures with a deep meaning to them ”
Favourite music:
Alex: “In music I like either complex compositions or vigorous-technically. At times I enjoy soothing and calm music but this is situational. In general, I love heavy music, some classic music or something really touches the soul – a home-close. I like.. complex music, with some inner resonance, heavy metal music.”
Analysis of musical preferences from the perspective of the associative musical typology.
Music is intuitive, changing fast enough, variable. This is something that can be safely attributed to the manifestation of Ne program function in music.
Ludwig van Beethoven – Moonlight Sonata ( 3rd Movement ) Tina S Cover
1. Metallica – Master Of Puppets [Seattle 1989] HD
Id -Ego
Bright extraverted music. The rhythm of the TPE Ego, but at the same time too powerful energy and too fast rhythm. The change of musical pattern, which is typical for Ne – variability of musical sound that can be described as the complexity of the music. It feels irrationality in the music. Variable audio stream, changing in the process of composition.
2.WILLY WILLIAM – Ego (Official Video)
Statics and extraversion are evident.
3.Tron Legacy – 03 Son of Flynn – OST
Superego – Id
Statics, intuition, and logics very well evident in this song.
4.Astronomy – Metallica
Still sounds a bit irrational too.
5. Agatha Christie – Алхимик
Ego – Id
Agatha Christie band I officially relate to TPE Id. This song has Ego – rhytm, but the the sounds and text are irrational and Id – like. So the songs is inherent in some unusual text and extravagance.
6.Алексей Архиповский на BLUES ДЕЛЬТЫ НЕВЫ-2011
7. Bach, Ricercar a 6 (from The Musical Offering)
Superego and logics
In general, I can conclude that music is dominated by extraverted psycho-dynamics Ego -Id. By the rhythm this is mainly Ego-music, but vocal presentation of the sound is pretty much Id. There is irrationality in the musical pattern: originality and complexity of sounds, whether it’s “Moonlight Sonata” by Beethoven or the performance of Alexei Arkhipovskaya. In the list of Alex’ favourite music there is lyricism inherent to ILE type, such as: Astronomy – Metallica.
While extraversion predominates, dichotomy of statics – dynamics is balanced. Irrationality is evident in the dominance of intuition and sensing – a powerful and variable in sound music, which is stronger on intuition and sensing than on logic and ethics. In other words: the music is strong and powerful, so ego-music. But it comes not from rational but irrational Ego -type, that in fact is Id. But not quite the Id-music, we are used to.
Therefore musical preferences point to extraverted type: ILE subtype LIE.
Does not like:
1.Имя 505 (имя любимое мое) 1час
2.Burito – Это хит на( #МегаХит )
3.Свадебный клип (Руки Вверх – Ая яй)
4.Тимати – Понты (Премьера клипа)
5. Егор Крид – Мне нравится (премьера клипа, 2016)
Music that Alex does not like is mainly static Id or Id-Superego, sensory and ethical.
Favorite films:
Lake house
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The Truman show
Fight club
The thirteenth floor
to the left of the elevator
Alex: “I do not watch TV for a long time. Movies that I prefer are fantasy and mystical, or a psychological game between the people or inside the person. I like a good quality fantasy films with a meaning. Fight and action films or modern comic books films and stuff I do not like. There must be possiblity of going deeper into a different outside and inside world. Popular shows are generally the bottom of the taste like the majority of the fighting films. I don’t have a category of a bad film – why should I remember those films at all..?
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