Superego Aesthetics

13325688_1716888348563692_8467559314050786743_nSuperego easthetics
Type of psychic energy Superego is associated with the society norms, principles, rules and morals. In associative socionics’ terms Superego presents  rational introverted judgement, functional profile:
In socionics this personality type is called a Superego-type – rational, static  introverts like Fyodor Dostoyevsky (EII)), Theodore Dreiser (ESI), Maximilien Robespierre (LII), Maxim Gorky (LSI).
Representatives: Agnetha Faltskog (ABBA), Clint Eastwood, Jerry Springer, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jodie Foster, Lionel Richi, Gotye, Sting  etc.
The favourite colours are  light, pastel (especially white, grey, silver, pink, purple palette).
“The Superego is responsible for the moral development of a personality. It consists of two parts: 1. The Ego-Conscience, which punishes the Ego for poor behaviour by feelings of guilt; 2. The Ego-Ideal, which promises rewards for good behaviour by feelings of self-pride and self-appraisal. A special role in the development of moral standards and in the formation of cultural values belongs to parents. Freud believed that internal conflict is inevitable and natural for any personality, because the Ego has to satisfy the contradictory needs of the Id and Superego.”  Read more.

Superego energy and esthetics are associated with phlegmatic temperament. The phlegmatic personality is low-key, easy going and relaxed.  They are patient, well-balanced and calm.  They usually have a consistent and well-balanced lifestyle.  Superego-personality is content in almost any surrounding or circumstance and go with the flow of life. People who carry within themselves Superego-energy  have a calming disposition in times of trouble. They are not open about their emotions and are not quick to express their true feelings  mainly because they do not want to hurt another’s feelings. They are also sympathetic and kind hearted.  In a group setting, Superego-types are easy to get along with.  They are excellent listeners with a dry sense of humor.  They enjoy watching people and  have many friends.  People are naturally drawn to them because of their accepting, easy going nature.  All-in-all, every group and every family would benefit from the stabilizing force of at least one Superego-type!

Superego aesthetics:



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