Ego – art

Type of psychic energy – Ego means  the conscious control, leadership, rationality and  judgement According to S. Freud, the Id-energy is transformed into the Ego-energy under external influences by means of the realisation of the surrounding reality and the necessity to comply with social norms. The Ego achieves rational control of all other parts of the personality. It is guided by the principle of reality. The Ego allows a person to distinguish between what is desired and what is possible, between the subjective and the objective, and so on. This part of the personality is not preoccupied with the moral side of things but pays attention to consequences for the person. The Ego searches for the right moment to satisfy the desires of the Id, taking into account the possible reactions of other people. Therefore, the Ego is compared with the rational judge, who makes plans and decisions about actions.

The Ego-personality corresponds with the choleric temperament  and is the most forceful and active of the 4 TPE-groups. They can be strong-willed, independent and opinionated. The Ego-types  thrive on activity. They are not afraid of obstructions and tend to drive right through or over troubles. They are the firmest natural leaders and often have a problem with anger.  They are quick to recognize chances and quick to make the best of them – though details will be an irritation. They are strong willed and determined to succeed where more gifted individuals give up. Ego-types has little need for friends; will work for group activity;  will lead and organize; like to be right; can be very good in emergencies.  At work they are very much goal oriented and dominant;  well organised and seek practical solutions;  move quickly to action; delegate work ; insists on production. Ego-types are good parents, they control their children in the right manner, exert sound leadership; able to motivate family to action; always know the right answer  and generally are very good at organizing household .

In socionics this personality type is called  Ego type – rational, dynamic, extravert. Ego- group consists of 4 types: -Hamlet (EIE ), Victor Hugo (ESE), Jack London (LIE) and Max Otto von Stierlitz  (LSE). The favourite colours of Ego-types are  bright and hot (red, orange, warm terracotta, raspberry) in combination with black and blue. The contrast of hot and cold creates the sharp contrast which is associated with dynamics. In associative socionics  we differentiate also extraverted and introverted dynamics. Extraverted dynamics is expressed in colour and story like a movement of characters. While introverted dynamics is more subtle and expressed in the abundance of small elements. The representatives of Ego-types are David Cameron, Miley Cyrus, Maria Callas, Goya Toledo, Michael Stipe, Geoffrey Rush, Benazir Bhutto, Adele, Diana Ross, Chuckle Barry and etc

Ego aesthetics
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