Superid Aesthetics

 Type of psychic energy – Superid is expressed in the wish of  security and protection from the external influences and associated with the pair of functions Ni +Si which means introverted irrationality (perception). Superid types are the irrational dynamic introverts like Sergei Yesenin (IEI), Honoré de Balzac (ILI), Alexandre Dumas (SEI) and Jean Gabin (SLI). Their favourite colours are usually dark (especially black and blue palette).
The collective unconscious contains four basic archetypes: the persona (mask), the anima/animus, the shadow and the self. The semantic content of the shadow archetype in many respects determines the meaning of the block Superid in the IEM – Butterfly model. The shadow is the source of creativity but simultaneously has a potential and a tendency towards destruction. This mental structure is inherited from the life times of humanity, when all concerns were reduced to the instincts of survival and the continuation of mankind. It is considered to be a “dark part” of the personality, since it includes the potential for destruction. Just like the Id, this component of the personality is amoral and does not distinguish good from evil. The shadow acts on the basis of animal instincts, which are capable both of self-sacrifice for their posterity and of coldblooded killing of other creatures similar to themselves. The innocence of this behaviour is in the fact that animals act upon their instincts and do not possess the freedom of personal choice.
Superid energy corresponds with melancholic temperament. Melancholic people are thoughtful, reserved introverts. They prefer their own company, i.e., love to stay alone rather than mingling with crowds.  However, at the same time, most of them have a creative and genius mind. More often than not, they are talented or endowed with knowledge and taste in the fields of arts and creativity.  As mentioned above, these people often appear sad and gloomy. Their super calm exterior may appear depressing to others.  The same appearance may also seem as though these people have a lot to worry. This is true in fact. These people tend to worry  for imaginable or even unimaginable things.  The physical movement of these individuals is also slow, reserved, cautious which may even seem calculated. They are also severely emotional and sensitive.
At work: This nature of the melancholic individuals also helps them to be good employees or administrators. They are sticklers to rules, have a repetitive behavior and cautious nature.  One of the other traits, taken as positive or negative, is that these people are extremely cautious and distrustful. They hesitate in making new contacts and are often secretive in nature. Their close mindedness also makes them narrow-minded, orthodox in their thoughts and stubborn. They hate change and may become sulky when asked to change their ways and habits. These people are sensitive themselves, they are also sensitive to the thoughts and emotions of others. They are often charitable and moralistic in nature.  Lastly, on a lesser brighter side, the introvert personality of these people makes them suffer from low confidence. They hardly speak until spoken to and hence, are often left alone.

Examples of Superid – energy in art:

Sorrow____by_sweet_lovely_death     screen-shot-2017-01-11-at-10-33-56   screen-shot-2017-01-11-at-12-31-38     screen-shot-2017-01-10-at-23-56-54

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3 Responses

  1. Nastya Writer says:

    А это нормально, что Гексли нравится именно искусство суперид? =)

  2. admin Olga says:

    Гексли может нравиться в качестве компенсации искусство любого из трех ТПЭ ( Суперид, Эго или Суперэго). Если гексли нравится Суперид, то это указывает на иррациональный профиль по параметру “искусство”. По параметру музыки ему может нравится музыка ТПЭ Ид. При этом должны быть предпочтения по ТПЭ Ид.
    При невербальной экспресс -диагностике версия психотипа складывается по нескольким показателям: предпочтения в искусстве, музыке и фильмах, а также результаты тестов, которые показывают самооценку.
    А есть еще и более детальная диагностика по видео, записанному на основе анкеты ШАС. Раньше мы общались с клиентами на форумах по анкете. Сейчас я предлагаю записывать “видео-анкету”.

  3. admin Olga says:

    Забыла добавить. Если у Гексли предполагается иррациональный профиль, то подтип Есенин.

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