Id – art

Type of psychic energy – Id in Associative socionics means joy, freedom of responsibilities  and is  associated with childhood (a period of the personality development) and with irrational extraversion.

The meaning of the psychic energy  types corresponds with the ideas of S. Freud about the components of the personality structure . “The Id is the instinctive part of the personality which is responsible for the satisfaction of the physical needs of body, such as saturation of the organism by food, the need for heat and the satisfaction of sexual desires. The Id is guided by the principle of enjoyment. The purpose of the Id is, on one hand, to remove the stress that appears from the desire and, on the other hand, to reach its immediate satisfaction. In this part of the personality a chaos of passions reigns: there is no logical thinking or the realization of time. Impulses free enormous energy resources, which supply energy to an entire structure of personality. Freud compared the Id with the spoiled selfish child, who requires the satisfaction of his desires “here and now”.

The Id – personality has a sanguine temperament as a rule. The people of this type are extra chatty and love a good conversation. They are born story tellers and love the company of children, which is why kids adore being in the company of such personalities. They are by far, the most talented as well as intelligent individuals, among the four personality types. Id-types are exceptionally curious for knowledge and would go to any lengths in order to keep learning. They are artistic and can master almost any skill, merely through observation and practice. Id-types have an excellent sense of humour and love to see people happy. They make excellent stage performers and entertainers, as they never let their fans down. It is natural for them to live for the moment and make the best of now and today! They usually will forget about bygone incidences, unless it really affected them emotionally, in which case they will never forgive but will make others believe that they have forgiven the insult.

 They prefer to have a carefree relationship, without many worries and unnecessary arguments. If the partner gets upset or angry, the Id-personality will immediately try to mellow down the situation by cracking a funny joke or making his or her lover smile or laugh. They will remain loyal as long as they feel loved completely and truly. However, the moment things are not working out, they are the first ones to leave. These people give their best shot in trying to make the relationship work, but if the partner does not reciprocate their feelings or ignores them, they will move on before you have the chance to say good bye.

Id-personality  as a workmate will be happy to take on as many roles and responsibilities as you give them. They are team players and always willing to help someone in need of professional assistance. They inspire and encourage others to do better.  Their readiness to help others leads often to the unbalanced lifestyle. Due to their inability to refuse someone they end up taking on more than they can handle. As a result they often risk their health and peace of mind.

 Children of  Id-personality benefit from having a parent with a childish, optimistic, practical and happy demeanor. Id- parents educate their kids on the importance of good and bad in the best possible manner, without ever being aggressive. The focus is on gaining knowledge and following interests. On a bad side Id-types could be very untidy and forgetful at times. They find it hard to say no to their kids and thus allow them to be coddled  and not willing to take the responsibilities for their childish behaviour as they grow.  The Id-personality need to reminded  yourself about becoming a bit more serious about life and the many responsibilities at home.

In Associative socionics this personality type is called Id – type –   the irrational, static extravert like  Thomas H. Huxley (IEE), Don Quixote (ILE), Napoleon (SEE) and Georgy Zhukov (SLE).
Their favourite colours are usually bright (especially green, gold and yellow palette). Representatives: Elvis Presley, Britney Spears, Jonathan Ross, Rihanna, Pink, Susan Boyle, Rushdi Salman, Lui de Fuines etc.

Id aesthetics

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