Pastor Kevin Yfeko

VI – CONVICTED criminal Pastor Kevin Yfeko- SPAC Nation Church

DD-COMPOSITE-DRILL-VIDThis young man appeared on TV news show and this is how I saw him for the first time. I am pretty sure about his type and wonder how you would perceive it?
He was in a gang from about 10-11 until 25 years of age and did not know any other life outside the gang bubble. Once he heard the priest talking and understood that this is what he wants deep inside. Now he is on a mission to help people out of the gangs and to reduce the knife crimes. Please, read this article and see this video.

J.T. -” My best guess for him is LSI 🙂 He looks introverted. Monotonous voice. I don’t think he feels that great preaching to his fellow gang members, looks fakey in that role. He looks like he doesn’t “feel it” (“but he hopes he will one day, so ‘fake it till you become it'”), just sees an opportunity to leave that swamp he was into for many years (through business opportunities). I’d say he’s more “phlegmatic” than “melancholic”. Piercing Gaze. So Rational > Irrational. Logical > Ethical. I think I saw some Fe when he was hmm… singing or praying with others, so he can reach it but doesn’t feel _that_ comfortable. Definitely not a “weirdo”, feels at least OK with “power structures”, so I guess it also means with other mentioned earlier things that Sensing > Intuition. Other than that: the “violent rapper” that ended in jail: SEE? The whole organisation and it’s a leader: wow, a business that looks almost like a criminal organization – that car, that “putting on the watch” scene, those clothes, that hierarchy! :-)”

O.T. It could be that the pastor that he heard activate it his suggestive Fe. And through Fe he came to insight through the use of his superego block Fi+Ne. It may be that the pastor influenced him through emotional appeal and Kevin somehow was ready for it. It did not fall on a deaf ear. This is just one line of possibility. As he says in the video the opportunity for business was also very attractive to him. As he could see the way out. As regards his work as a pastor … I guess he just copies others. All the pastors in the church like his are similar. It is not a normal church when it is peace and quiet. 🙂 Their church like some other I saw on TV is like a hypnotic state on one hand and powerful emotions on the other.

J.T. – I also do believe him. I think I tried to say that “opportunity to do good _and_ having a clear, realistic (“from gang to business”) path to follow” might be very appealing to him. I also meant that he may not yet realize that he will struggle with some things and tries to do them even when he has no “innate talents” for that – he may be not enough enthusiastic, and so on...

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