The Instrumental Socionics School

Golikhov Dmitriy – a sociolog, military psychologist, the Instrumental Socionic and Jung
follower. The author of Instrumental Socionic textbook and an a book of additions with intensification to psychological typology. The author of the Classical socionic forum(quiet chat) —, an a questionnaire of determining the type based on the Kalinauskas Helm.
Education – The Faculty of Sociology Saint Petersburg State University, The Military Faculty in psychologist section.


The Socionics Consultation – an a the Kalinauskas Helm, as an a scientific practical model of Socionic, its advantage as a rigorous scientific practice and working on a practic model, developed by a member of the research group Aushra Augustinavichute practicing psychologist Igor Kalinauskas in collaboration with Gregory Rainin. Own Complement their theoretical concept socionic development in socionics. The Instrumental socionics. The psychology based on the Method of quality structures, I-conception as a practical psychological method to help a people. Solving the problems of information exchange between people on the basis of the Helm Kalinauskas, The Disidentification with the psychology type. An a teaching of  typology and development of a technique. The finding of psychology type in base of questionnaire.

The Psychological Consultation – in base of Method of the quality structures, I-conception. Also discusses the analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (primarily – on the basis of his work on psychological types) as a complementary instrumental socionic Igor Kalinauskas and spirituality, which is the same instrumental socionics, gone beyond the framework of socionics. Describe any problem, then we try to solve it together through the methods of qualitative structure, insrumental socionics, psychological typology, post-socionic, I-concepts, etc. In short, the whole arsenal of tools that we have thanks Kalinauskas, Jung, psychology, sociology, some of my development, etc.

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