Differential socionics

Meged Valentina – Psychology Consultant. In collaboration with her husband and colleague A.Ovcharov created a new trend in socionics – Differential Socionics and Technologies “. This direction is based on the author’s typology of type variability and relations. They had worked out the complex of computer technology to socionics practitioners and psychologists , school teachers and high schools, managers of organizations, specialists in human resources, consultants on staff, employees dating services , employment centres and career counselling.

Education :  Higher State University Taras Shevchenko ( Kyiv, 1992 ), Department of Sociology and Psychology. Qualifications: psychologist, professor of psychology and sociology. Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in socionics (International Institute of Socionics , International Scientific Council , Kiev , 2006).
Consultations on socionics are conducted to determine the personality types of customers and other aspects of nature – subtypes and type accents.) including  the forms of love and relationships , types of emotions , psychical forms of behavior, temperaments and other personality traits. During the consultation carry out a detailed analysis of  person and making corresponding recommendations for the optimal use of abilities and improve relationships with children and in a team, and if necessary – for socionics correction by strengthening or weakening of the corresponding type accents.
Psychology consultations are conducted to assist in solving a variety of psychological problems – both personal and interpersonal . Because complex, confusing or unresolved issues are forcing suffer internal organs, causing a variety of psychosomatic illnesses, help them get rid of the only methods of psychoanalysis to uncover hidden and poorly perceived problems and recommendations for psychological correction.
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: tel: (+38 067 ) 477-45-90; E-male: megov2@ yandex.ru;  skype: meged-ovcharov2.

Anatoly Ovcharov – a social psychologist , a specialist in manufacturing consulting , professional selection and career counseling. In collaboration with his wife and colleague V.Meged created a new trend in socionics – Differential Socionics and Technologies “.
Education – Higher : Kiev Polytechnic Institute , 1976 , engineer; Kiev International Institute of Sociology , 1999 , PhD in sociology and Ph.D. in Socionics (International Institute of Socionics , International Scientific Council , Kiev , 2006).


Consultations on socionics are conducted to determine the personality types of customers and different aspects of character subtypes accent character ( additional type options ) , psychical behavior , temperament , and other personal qualities for the differential analysis and making corresponding recommendations for optimal use of capacity, optimize performance of  team and improve the microclimate in it, counselling and career counseling students and adults, and other consultations held psychology with effective copyright technologies to help managers and employees of organizations of personnel services in the various personnel issues , to optimize the organization’s activities , the competitive selection in companies using special techniques.
Ask a question : tel: (+38 067 ) 477-45-90 ; E-male: megov2@ yandex.ru; skype: meged-ovcharov2.

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