Vulnerable intuition

Thoughts on determining your pain function or pain channel functions.

Dear friend, you are invited to think about your vulnerable function – one of Jung’s four functions: sensory, intuition, ethics, and logic. You can record your responses to the video, if it is convenient for you.  I would like to explain what this function is or channel of vulnerable functions of different vertices is. The fact is that if a person has painful intuition of doubt (Ni), then, as a rule, intuition of possibilities (Ne) will also bother. Therefore, I do not break Young’s functions into socionics ones (of different vertices), since this is unprincipled. 
The vulnerable channel of functions is associated with fears and with the information that you want to see exclusively in a positive way. Negative information can put you in a state of panic or unsettle you, slow down or put you in a state where you begin to act inappropriately. You may see it yourself, that there were no real reasons for thinking and behaving like that, but you act instinctively and you can’t do anything about it.  Such behavior can be repeated and manifest in the form of obsessive, disturbing thoughts and actions. You can pay too much attention to a particular case under the influence of this function.
It may be also difficult for a person to correlate reality with probability, he may imagine trouble where they essentially does not exist and cannot exist. And even if you tell the person and show the real state of affairs, he will still remain with his opinion or fear. That is, a person is often scared not by the fact of what is happening, but by the image that draws his imagination. It is unpleasant to hear from others about the bad events on this aspect of information. At the same time, you can gratefully accept help, care, advice.
1) If you have a vulnerable channel of the sensory, then negative information about your own feelings, health and your appearance will be perceived by you painfully. This may apply directly to you or to objects surrounding you. For example, there are tactless people who can make a comment about the quality of the food you eat or the clothes you wear, your personal hygiene or cleanliness (dirty hands, nails, smell, bacteria, etc.)
2) If this is ethics, then we are talking about the fear of being rejected, misunderstood by the group of people, to be an outcast, condemned, rejected by society. This is a fear of perceived to be unethical, a fear of negative opinions about you made by the people around you, as well as ridicule, humiliation, negative emotions, conflicts, etc.
3) If this is logic, then this is the fear of being perceived as illogical, being considered stupid, not smart enough, not knowing something important, not taking into account some essential details, breaking the rules. At the same time, a person can successfully engage in theory, but build it not so much on objective laws and facts as on his own speculations and fantasies. There may be a fit of facts to those theoretical propositions which seemed to sound as true to you. It can be difficult to do any work to organize information or objects, such as cleaning the house. Difficulties in maintaining order, consistency of thoughts and actions.
4) If this is intuition, then a person is afraid of opportunities, accidents, the negative development of events that are not personally dependent on him – he is afraid of bad luck, all the bad things that can happen. A fear may appear before a choice is made, before an expected event, or you can be afraid and doubt after a decision has been made.

I relate to the description of vulnerable intuition quite a bit, especially in situations where I know very little and feel like an error or accident will have repercussions – times when I am responsible for something. There’s a lot of time management and accounting for the unknown in my work. The prospect of running out of time during my day makes me uncomfortable – being late or not meeting a deadline are some of my greatest dislikes (or having to deal with someone else missing a deadline or being late). It takes practice for me to fully grasp how long things will take, understand how they should be done, or fully account for setbacks. I prefer to get good enough that setbacks aren’t a possibility; I feel setbacks very strongly. I try to plan things out to their smallest details, but if there’s something I can’t figure out, I often worry about it.

Donald Rumsfeld has a famous quote: “there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don’t know we don’t know.” Sometimes I feel like those known unknowns are much bigger for me, and as much as I try to shine a light on them, no amount of thinking ever uncovers them (never mind the unknown unknowns!). The best solution I have found is an empirical approach: doing things, observing things, and gathering experience, because just thinking about them never provides the whole story.


OT My Ne makes me worry to much and think about all possible ways to secure something or to make safe someone. I can be relaxed if the situation is normal and there is no danger around and still some stupid thoughts can come to my mind. It is like I can easily imagine a nasty outcome by looking at something. And when situation is really not normal and not safe then I can start panicking and do something inadequate because I cannot think straight. But it could be that situation is serious and I will be relaxed. So, it depends. I do feel upset to think that situation could be serious but I would not notice it and missed the opportunity for the right action – to safe someone. So, it is about opportunities, choices and having an insight or being blind. Then I would regret that I did not act promptly. The sense of responsibility. Fi +Ne bothers me more than anything else.


J.L. Ok, ESI (me). Vulnerable is Ne. This manifests in me strongly disliking people “changing a recipe”, if the recipe is for something that I really like. I’m nervous about experimentation and “mixing it up”. When I sing karaoke, I sing “Pressure” by BillyJoel, getting as close to a Billy Joel impersonation as I can. Or “Still Rock and Roll to Me”. People liked it (a lot) when I did it in 2005, so guess what, I did it the same way, in fall of 2019.
I like being surprised and delighted by something new, but it takes me a little bit to “love it”. It’s one thing to laugh your head off when someone says something outrageous in a stand-up comedy routine on TV, it’s another when your wife suddenly pulls you into a new “campaign” in an area that has significant impact on our daily life together. (She is IEE, my supervisor.) Another way weak Ne manifests is that when I do get on a roll of “generating new ideas”, I have a hard time stopping gracefully.
I came to this understanding of Ni based on my life experience and so I reassure myself. In my theory, functions are connected into channels, i.e. I don’t consider only Ne as a vulnerable, but also Ni. They are not separate – they work together.  Ni is a vital function I do not think much in Ni terms and do not like to speak or perceive negative information related to this aspect of information. 
 If I have fear, then it is always directed towards future – I am afraid of the future. It dawns on me with flashes of thoughts – the most improbable and stupid from the logical point of view about what can suddenly happen. The most incredible nightmares. Call it “sick imagination”.
 Note that LSI does not have this, because it is still a logician.  ESI does not understand how the world and objects are arranged at the level of laws. This is a block of Superid in model A. But if you know socionics, it’s easier to calm the imagination “.
” Using me as an example, I’m very aware of Ne, and I tend to encourage its use in writing. However, I actually show very little of it in my life. It takes me a while to jump to a new idea or a different interest. I’m much conservative in this action. So their is a clear contrast between my words (and perhaps even beliefs), and my actions. More accurately, there is a contrast between information learned and energy required.”

Vulnerable intuition Ni – Ne from Aoame: About painful Ni and how I see it:
A catastrophic complex of delays, a lifetime. As far as I can remember (starting from the 1st grade), I always run somewhere due to being late. Or just running, I can’t separate it anymore in my mind why I am always in the rush.. The staff even said that I can be recognized by gait – bouncing-mincing. Well, the gait speed, that men do not keep up with me, as this is a habit developed over the years. As if speed will change something. It seems to me that I’ll finish it now, and then I’ll run away, and I’ll skip time, and then I’ll have time … but the miracle does not happen. The first half of my life suffered greatly from my lateness. Here I am running late and exhausting myself and feeling like a failure. But I don’t see a way out, and tomorrow everything repeats … Attempts to change something gave a result for a couple of days, then everything started again on the thumb. Moreover, this has nothing to do with irresponsibility, as my humble friend (base Ni) says, “you’ll be two hours late, but you’ll definitely be there once you say it and bring everything you need.”
The opportunity to come earlier was not an option for the same reason that it just didn’t work out for me, and that witing would cause the same feelings as being late — I feel like I failed from the moment I am waiting, I seemed to cease to exist: I don’t live at this moment because I’m not doing anything. ( loss of time).

In the second half of my life I somehow relaxed, and did not become late, and I even worry about it because of this, but I no longer chew myself for it. Since I realized that for me, straining to be in time on time is equally intense, as well as experiences for being late. That is, if I try to make it, it’s still inherent, for example, on a train/plane, then even if I have 2 hours left – the very thought that “I need to be in time” gives rise to some wild fantasies “but all of a sudden the plane will fly off earlier? ”or“ now the bus will break ”(about work – that they will fire me, etc.) and the same stress …. and why it gets into my head – I don’t understand.  Since in life I look at things quite realistically and quite positively, without horror stories in other areas. Even at these moments, I am very concentrated and nervous, and I perceive other issues poorly, although in a normal situation I can do several things at the same time.
What helps in such situations if someone is nearby who is leading the process of time, or we are just travelling together. But if something spoils my mood, then the worst thing is if someone screaming “faster” or “10 minutes left” at the time when I am getting ready and getting late.  I myself understand that I do not have time, but I do not need to remind me about it. It is pointless and as if someone deliberately wants to reproach me, poke my nose.

And more about the time when I need organise and sort out things. On trips, I collect things in advance, at least for the day. But there were cases when there was something left to throw in a bag before going out. So at this moment for some reason I can have a confusion  and stress “should I  take it (something) or not; this or another?” What for? I am late. Finally, I should not waste time on this. You will not manage. You’ll be late now. Ahhh … rrrr. Then decide faster. Can not choose. I don’t want anything anymore. And cold sweat …. By the way, the question of choice was also always relevant, is also connected with intuition.

I gathered all these situations in a heap and went to the psychologist. I say I have some kind of complex. We went through a lot of reasons, and parents, and the habits of the family, and the model of my mother, and my kind of disorganization, and rummaged in the subconscious … but here is the paradox for me, the reason we still did not find. Nothing resonates! A bit of everything and nothing in particular that would explain my problem in full. There’s just “no charge/no exact reason” there, but there is a problem in life. To be honest, this is the only problem that could not be found or the reason. Which for me personally was very strange.

Farther. From childhood, thoughts about the end of the world were frightening, and thoughts on the topic “what happened after death” were hardly given. I could not look into the sky and admire the stars (and even now not so), since it seemed to me like a terrible unknown abyss. I still do not understand and do not like science fiction and everything cosmic, interplanetary. Since it raises a bunch of questions for me, and I’m not ready to hear the answers to these questions, and indeed they do not exist in full about everything mysterious. Now, if everything was clear there, as about the design of a car or a printing press, I would gladly listen and believe. And about space and fantastic phenomena there will always be someone’s fantasy for the version. And if this is not so?)))

Impatience. I am terribly impatient. For some reason, I attribute this to pain. I can’t wait in a global sense. If I need to wait for something, but I can do something, I will always choose to do it. Sometimes it seems that because of this I have the unsuccess of some business where the person or situation should have matured. But usually everything is clear to me right away, although it may not be possible for a person, and therefore I am ready for hasty actions. If I didn’t say something or didn’t do, I’ll be very tormented by this, not being able to return it and experience.

I do not like abstract conversations. Transfusion from empty to empty. That is, I love high matters and deep thoughts about world problems, and am very interested in this, but in chats “of the Hedgehog in a fog like … if the horse goes to bed, she will drown in the fog….” it just wedges me and the conversations seem terribly stupid and meaningless. I can even discount, ridicule, and respond incorrectly. I also poorly understand the complexly wrapped abstract plots of films, books, paintings, I don’t really understand (and don’t like) symbolism, unless I can explain it literally)))))

Well, according to the facts from life: I am always late for work and dates, but I really appreciate it if the man has not commented on this. The longest wait for a guy is 2 hours. I am terrible, I know, but it is priceless. I also have three train delays. There are always different reasons – a taxi in a traffic jam, went to the toilet at the wrong time, could not choose a blouse (as described above) … but for some reason my friends do not have a single delay on the train ((a little shame.
Today I was very upset by the employee saying to me: “make up your mind faster”. My mood spoiled for half a day just like that.
Favorite phrases that I always insert everywhere on the machine “I do not want to waste time,“ why waste time ”,“ it is not worth my time ”… for some reason I measure the whole value of life with words about time, although I will not say that I don’t waste time, rather, on the contrary, I can forget/hang out with someone.
My favorite slogan is “the more I do, the more I manage”, I think that you plan more – at least you will have time. And if there is no business, then life goes into the abyss. Do not spin – do not feel alive. Value is measured by the number of results and deeds done per unit of time. Therefore, even a ride in transport is necessary (it is necessary!) to be filled with something (some action).
Well, I’m doing all the things (reports, diplomas, assignments) at the last moment. That is, I start them right away, but the process goes like jelly (sometimes there is no inspiration, sometimes interrupts something) and it always seems that I’ll manage to do everything while there’s a lot of time ahead, and in fact in the last minutes you have to concentrate and hurry to finish.
I am annoyed with slow people, I want to kick their ass. I can often grab and do it myself.”

Translation is required from Russian to English. Please, help!
From the discussion on FB:

– Another thought… things with strong Fe – wouldn’t an ILI dislike them?
– Not necessarily. I consider in my theory that all mental block functions are used more than the vital functions. People can enjoy work and be creative on their vulnerable funciton – in their own way. It is harder to work on the vital block functions.
In my article about Associative model I write a bit about it.
It is a big article but you can start reading from this sentence:
“Shall we examine the workings of the model for the type INTJ (introverted, intuitive, logical, rational)?”This part of my article explains the meaning of every channel of functions in Model A. how the information flows ( assuming) and what it means for the person.
Vulnerable channel of functions for ILI contains Fe+ Fi. this means that like any other type you can sometimes put more effort into it than it would be necessary. it is some sort of ineadequat or can be percieved by other type as too much effort who does not suffer from painful ethics.
Now if you thik about your pattern of behaviour you may remember situations like this and can describe them if only it is not too private.
Usually people of other types may notice your hardship with ethics in some circumstances and may think than it is not worth to put so much time and thought into it. Or they may be just surprised about your reaction. they simply do not understand why you do it how you do it. Because they do not feel the pain. Did it happen to you?
No matter what vulnerable function is – the reaction will be the same for all. We take extra care, it is important to us personally.

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