On the heredity of personality type

Is the type inherited?
It does but it is not strict. If we are talking about the first children, then this is a tendency. If there are many children in the family then more chances to get all sort of types which were in the previous generations.

There is a reason for it. It is similar to cloning people by God. Something should be similar and something should change – more often type the same but sexes changed. Parents love to see themselves in the inverted sex – papas daughter and mama’s son.
To say more, in socionics we see the tendency of association between the appearance and type. This means that type has a tendency to be related to appearance. Children are normally facially similar to their parents and it is logical to suggest that they inherit not just the face but the type with it too. As a tendency, not as a rule.
However, children rarely believe to carry the parent’s type because they focus on the differences not on similarities even though they know who’s child they are if they have a chance to know both parents. That is why children who grew up in the care homes search for their parents as for the lost identity.
It is difficult for children to compare objectively their type and the type of parents because they are too much involved, too close.
There are many reasons we can think of why this is a tendency. According to socionics such tendency is good because understanding between the people of the same type is easy and they are believed to be good teachers for their own children, examples to follow.
Also, imagine that the tendency would be different and the daughters were looked more like mothers and the boys like fathers….considering sexes this is not a good idea at all. Sexual abuse of fathers to their daughters could happen more often. People of the same type are rarely perceived as attractive as we are attracted to opposites.
Another reason why children look and are similar to parents – just by the look and observation we can say whose child is it.
For people, it is important that they grow their own kids not the ones of the neighbors. And we are not animals to sniff the children to identify them – we rely on our vision.

D.S. ”girls take everything from their father”, new studies in genetics show that both boys and girls take more from father than the mother.”

Possible but ….Recently my son has done that simple genetic test because I was interested in his origins. His father was born in England but he did tell me that his grandmother was Irish gypsy. The result show -no 1% of English blood but Irish was the highest around 33%. But my son is similar to me in the appearance and has my type – it is truly my son and not my husbands. While genetics showed that it is more his son than mine. And what I see that the body – the material he is built from belongs to my husband, not the psychology as such.
However these genetic tests they are not exact – they show a more general picture. My present husband is 100% German from the German parents and the test show more Irish then eastern europian – which is understandable because of his grandmother comes from an eastern part of Germany. For Russian people, they do not show Russia but Ukraine. So, genes cannot explain everything in relation to typology. But common sense does.
I saw recently a TV-show about people born with both sexes and it was really sad to see the genetic(?)results which did not match the sex they have chosen for themselves. It looked like they were mistaken about themselves or pretending. So….we have a good reason to conclude that genetic studies explore more sensory part of human build up and not psychological. And the point is that people are more psychological than material – we are souls, not just objects.
What could it mean that genetics comes more from the father? Interesting. Father is the root, the seed and mother is the soil…or just a carrier bag?  We can not say that mother because she gives life is solely responsible for the psychological make up of her child either.
What I didn’t write about earlier, but I thought now … for mothers, as the weaker sex, protection in the form of a son can be very useful, Yes? After all, the husband is physically stronger and in the practice of family life, cases of physical violence by the husband are not uncommon. A father can also benefit from a daughter of his type … after all, daughters are married off and related to other families. This is already protection in a more global, large-scale sense. The groom, as a rule, is selected by a respectable status – this is if you look at the history.
But not only for this reason. A father needs understanding and support in his relationship with his wife.
Thus, children of opposite sexes create a buffer, mediation for communication and support of relationships within the family, between families. If we take into account that earlier history there were many children in families, which creates a large number of family ties.

If you are interested to do the genetic test.

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