Information aspects

This paper aims to describe socionics informational aspects and functions in the application to the theory of associative socionics.
Keywords: socionics, information, dichotomies, semantics aspects, preferences, type of psychic energy.

First of all I would like to be clear about what we mean by the aspect and function. The values of these terms are similar and therefore are often used synonymously.
It depends only on the point of view.  In socionics literature one can find different definitions of aspects and functions, but essentially they all boil down to one and the same. If we refer to the human psyche, its structure and function, we speak of mental functions. If we consider the same characteristics apart from the mind, then we have a view of the aspects of information that describe not the human psyche but objectively given reality.

Founder of socionics A. Agustinavichute in her work “On the dual nature of man” under the functions understand the strengths and weaknesses of the psyche, namely, “the ability of a person to understand certain aspects of the world” (1). In socionics, there is another name for the function: elements of the human information metabolism. Information aspects represent all information about the world and relate to the eight elements of information metabolism. With the information aspects we associate the eight functions: sensory of power,  sensory of sensation, intuition of doubt and intuition of insight, theoretical  logic and business logic, ethics of relationships and ethics of emotions. Functions are divided in turn into introvert and extrovert, rational and irrational, static and dynamic. These additional features are not functions, although they also like the 4 basic functions of C. Jung (thinking- feeling –  sensing- intuition) tell us about the properties of the psyche. (2)

Why is so? Jung himself pointed out the distinction between the four basic functions and the dichotomy of extraversion – introversion, defining the last not as a function of the psyche, but the orientation of the mind to the external (objective) and internal (subjective) world of man (3).  In addition to extraversion and introversion Jung distinguished properties such as rationality and irrationality, which correspond with the judgment or perception. In socionics, besides dichotomies mentioned above, are also used 15 typology attributes  known as Reinin dichotomies (4), which can be also described in terms of  information aspects.

In the theory of associative socionics  dichotomies  extraversion- introversion, rationality – irrationality and statics – dynamics are basic and do not serve to determine the psychological type, but to determine the type of psychic energy (TPE).  Since TPEs define the four basic groups of socionics typology, we use three basic dichotomies to relate the person to the one of the four  group of types : Ego-types Superego- types Superid types and Id-types. (5)

The names of the four groups were borrowed from the personality theories of S. Freud and C. Jung. Each of the four TPEs is associated with a pair of informational aspects or functions.  In order to determine the personality type, it is necessary to identify which pair of functions is most clearly manifested in the human psyche. These pairs of functions in associative model correspond to the model A, namely, they occupy the positions of program and role functions in the mental ring of model A.

Each of the 8 functions of the psyche perceives and transmits only inherent energy it possesses, and the person is a carrier and a spokesman for a certain type of psychological energy (TPE). Each TPE is defined by a pair of socionics functions and corresponds with a group of types. This is not regarding quadras or interest groups but the small basic groups of socionics typology. For example, the functions of ethics and logic relations (Fi and Ti) are introverted , rational and static. To include a person to a TPE group, diagnostician identifies what values prevail in the client preferences and to which pair of functions these values relate.

– For Superego group – functions of logic of relations and the ethics of relations.
– Ti (white logics socionic_WL) – structural logic are associated with rules, principles , thoughts, cause-and- effect relationships, the developing of own logical assumptions that are focused on the subjective understanding of the issue that may diverge from the objective data or the fact.
– Fi (white ethics socionic_WE ) or the ethics of relations – moral norms, morality, focuses attention on another person needs and requirements.

– For Superid types – functions of doubt intuition and sensory sensations.
– Ni (white intuition socionic_WI) – intuition of doubt, imagination and time.
– Si (white sensation socionic_WS) – the sensory of sensation,  perception of space and  comfort.

-For Id group – functions of intuition of insight and sensory of power.
– Ne (black intuition socionic_BI) –possibilities, guesses, “cross-sectional” holistic vision of the image as a static picture; emphasizing the essence of the object and its hidden potential.
– Se  (black sensory socionic_BS) or sensory of power – physical interaction, playing, freedom of movement and spatial distribution , the impulse to liberation, appearance and attractiveness, ease in pursuing of the space to satisfy the desires and instincts.

For Ego group – functions of the business logic and ethics of emotions.
– Te (black logics socionic_BL) or business logics – goal setting, a reasonable approach to the work, the rationality of behaviour, technology, methods, and the efficiency of what needs to be done.
– Fe (black ethics socionic_BE) or ethics of emotions – a demonstration of emotion, freely expressing emotional states in public.

Aspects of intuition

I would like to describe in more detail  aspects of intuition, since by virtue of abstraction of these aspects some of us have difficulties with identifying and differentiating between two types of intuition.

Ni is the intuition of doubt, apprehension, imagination, flow of mental and sensory images. It is also the intuition of time. Often referring to the past.
Ne is the intuition of insight and the moment of truth, real-life opportunities, the intuition of a single whole image (essence), intuition of present and future.

Most doubters and dreamy types are Ni-types – Intuitive Ethical Introverts and Intuitive Logical Introverts.
Most confident  and resourceful  are Ne-types –  Intuitive Ethical Extraverts and Intuitive Logical Extraverts.

Why is that?  While Ni –types  reason and think often referring to the past  Ne-types are more preoccupied with the thought of the present time and the future. Events are described by Ne-types as either real or highly probable with no doubt. The individual express his understanding of the events either in static or dynamic terms, respectively, with the reference either to present or to the changes in the past and in the future.

Ni is not just intuition of time because time is a general criterion inherent to both Ni and Ne. The existing definition of Ne as the aspect of possibilities is wrong too. Opportunities are considered from the perspective of Ni- and Ne –types with the difference that Ne-types consider the existing opportunities here and now. This is why they  quickly generate opinions, make decisions and instant choices. For Ni-types it is not easy to make the decision here and now, they are afraid to make the wrong choice. Ni-types are more likely to miss the chance than to take it. They tend to remember the past, the lost opportunities and fantasize about the future .

I would like to clarify how I came out with the refinement  of  aspects of intuition based on my practice of typing people. Let us consider the static and dynamic perception in general. Ne belongs to static aspects. Static is expressed in the single-step condition (yes or no) and is correlated with the photographic image, which appears as a picture in front of the eyes. In the picture the reality is frozen. There is no need to go mentally into the future or the present to reveal what is in the picture. Also there is no need to invent something extra, imagine and embellish. Result of the pictures is a static description of a single moment in time.

Ni types have a very different perception of the reality as on going process of evolution. They do not perceive the world and themselves in terms of a permanent picture in front of eyes. On the contrary, the picture’s movement makes eye to switch between items, losing the sight of the integral image, as if they  watch the process of the object transformation or a film. There can be no single unchanging image for Ni-types because everything flows and constantly changes.
When ILE  (Ne-type) tells very confidently his opinion about something, immediately appears Ni- type, which begins to doubt any assertion and any static image as the truth. In the mind of the  Ni type there is no truth if the changes in time are not accounted for.  Ne-perception of the world seems limited and inadequate to him.

This phenomenon of confrontation or restricting each other’s views is described in the Model A: the program and restrictive functions limit each other with criticism. This is what we call the conflict between the functions within the psychic structure. It emphasizes the psychodynamic nature of the processes within the psyche. It exists on each level and in each block of the model A and associative model respectively.

Static functions of perception ( Ne, Se) are directed to what happens here and now in the immediate environment with the difference that Ne is focused on general view (abstract )and Se is interested in details (concrete). When we talk about possibilities as Ne attribute we mean real or highly probable events which come from insight. Ne- types do not think in terms “what if” because they miss the whole process of inference and it seems as unnecessary to them. Why to dwell on things while you already know what is what and how it should be? Ne-types either have the answer or not but will not like to doubt about it and especially aloud. They would rather wait until the get insight about it.

For Ni – type is  on the opposite as if they cannot stop doubting and once they managed to make a decision or choice they feel  that they have achieved something. ILI was telling a story of walking in the shop for hours and walking out empty handed is perceived as natural. If Ni-types were able to do what Ne-types can, their  rich inner world of creative imagination would not be claimed.

Ne- thinking style can be compared to a puzzle:  parts of the structure quickly add up together into a coherent image . The work of the doubt intuition, on the contrary, is a game of imagination, where the focus is constantly shifting in the direction to the individual parts, making it impossible to cover the whole picture. As soon as the image becomes more clear, it immediately breaks again and flows in a different way with a fuzzy structure and vague facets.
Ni –types could swim endlessly in their mental images, never stopping on one option, because it is not interesting. They like to share with others  their thoughts and tangled feelings, their doubts. This is how Ni- perception works, which can be compared with the work of the artist.

Program Ne-types, on the contrary, seek to escape from doubt and the thought process which reminds going round in circles. They search for information and find the way  out and make a choice. This process is accompanied by the natural belief in themselves and what they say. Often overestimate themselves or at least appear to others as being overconfident or even ignorant,  and cocky know-alls .  Don Quixote (ILE) would not be Don Quixote , if he did not believe in his ability to find the only correct answer to all questions , learn everything (or almost everything), and would not share the knowledge with others. They think that they know the truth in the first instance and therefore often “turn up their noses.”

Aspects of rationality
Rationality in socionics corresponds with rational functions of judgment – with the function logic (thinking) and ethics (feeling). Human judgment can be objective or subjective; abstract or concrete. Let us first consider the question of what lies beneath the difference of objective and subjective judgments and what information aspects have consistent signs of objectivity and subjectivity in the theory of associative socionics.

People who judge objectively base their judgement on logical reasoning, knowledge of the laws and facts, common sense, namely, the material that is clear and obvious to most people. The judging may be perceived as subjective if it is based on personal experience, does not make reference to the general facts and laws or distorts them with the reference to feelings and emotions.

Logical types  tend to refer to causal relationships, , facts and general patterns. Ethical types  tend to make reference to their feelings and the feelings of others. Accordingly, logical  and ethical types have different language to express their thoughts. But we should not believe that ethical types  are always subjective in their views and logical always objective. Ethical types can feel the injustice of inferences, but are not able to logically prove their point. Knowledge expressed by the ethical type often seems unconvincing  for the person who came the conclusion by means of logical thinking.  Therefore, to hear each other, we should try to express our thoughts and feelings in the form acceptable to the other person which is not an easy task  to do.

If you want to convince a logical person or just to change his opinion  you should  look for an logical argument that is good enough for him to reconsider the judgment. Otherwise it will not work and you opponent will not be able to understand you. Logical types evaluates  you and what you are saying from the logical standpoint. If you are not talking his language there will be less trust in you and your abilities. Logical person less worry about the impact he may have on the opinion or the feelings of others, and if he is ethically correct. You can recognise the logical types  by their ability to assess feelings of people around them and read adequately their emotions.

Ethical types may find logical arguments very helpful.  Acting with the best intentions, ethical types sometimes come to unexpected negative consequences for themselves, because they do not track the cause-and- effect relationship of their actions and do not reflect on the objective laws. Thus, in practice, we often observe that the objectivity of judgment is more characteristic for the logical types , and subjectivity – for ethical.

Both group of types use their logics and ethics while trying to reach understanding and work out a compromise but logics or ethics will  always prevail. The more you communicate with different types the more  you notice the personality preference.  Second aspect that compensates first, is less noticeable. It also becomes apparent that the logical judgement in ethical types  has a different quality and different orientation, which can be called “ethical logic”. Ethical logic differs from the “actual  logics”.  The converse is true for the logical type trying to express themselves in ethical terms  – “logical ethics”.

Aspects of irrationality
 Irrationality correlated with irrational functions of perception: intuitive state and sensory feeling (sensations). Perception can be specific, concrete (sensory) and abstract (imaginary, intuitive).

The main difference in the perception of sensory and intuitive types is that the  attention is either on the concrete objects,  details of material world  or on the abstract issues and questions which have got nothing to do with  immediate environment. The language of sensory types is more simple, less extravagant  or complex. They talk about things down to earth, do not like vague answers, unusual words, complex terminology. They describe the objects and events as they see think, see and feel them. The intuitive perception  slides on the surface of an object , grasping the general outlines and creating a chain of similar images, which we call associations. While sensory type keeps focus on any one subject or issue, intuit flows smoothly from one question to another as new associations arise.

Beginning and the end of story for the intuitive types can be very different and the person will not remember how he came with issues that have nothing to do with his original topic of discussion. Moreover, after spending the whole evening and talking on various topics, intuit may never finish his thought or story.   To establish good relationship with an intuitive type the sensory type must learn to be patient;  not to yawn while listening;  not to be distracted by what ‘s going on; not to interrupt with suddenly coming to mind questions; and remind of what has been said before the intuitive type has lost the thread of conversation.

Sensory type may find difficult to follow the intuitive thought and prefer to think and to talk about practical issues. When you are talking to a sensory type you should avoid ambiguity, be direct and express your thoughts succinctly. Concrete and abstract perception can be observed in the judgments of sensory and intuitive types. Sensory (concrete) judgment is based on sensory perception and opposite is true for intuitive (abstract)  judgement.  By analogy with the ethical logics  and logical ethics we can also consider the border areas and aspects of sensory intuition and intuitive sensory.
Rationality – is primarily a judgment. Judgment can be both objective (logical) and subjective (ethical). Irrationality – is primarily perception (state), and it can be either abstract (intuitive) or concrete (sensory).

Objectivity – subjectivity
In socionics there is different view on dichotomy  “objectivity – subjectivity”. Objects and objectivity can be associated with extraversion. Subjectivity is an attribute of introversion or the orientation of the attention to the relations between objects. This means that the extraverted functions are considered to be associated with the perception of objects and introverted with the perception of relations or fields. . You could think that dichotomies of objectivity and subjectivity can not be simultaneously correlated with extraversion-introversion and logics-ethics. In fact, there is no contradiction, since we are talking about different perspectives. Objectivity as a manifestation of the logic is different from the objectivity as a manifestation of extraversion.

Statics- dynamics
Now we could overview the concept of dichotomies statics- dynamics. The word “static” comes from the Latin “status” – state of affairs from the point of view of the law. Dynamics – the state of the movement, the course of development, the change of a phenomenon influenced by factors affecting it (6). If we highlight the essence, the static – it is a state of rest, immutability, stability, result. Dynamics describes  a process, interaction, change. Definition of statics- dynamics point first of all to a certain state of objects  either stable or moving. The state relates semantically  to perception ( irrationality) and not a judgement ( rationality).   This means that the dynamic and static is primarily perception and the judgment is the derivative of the perception.

Thus, each of the eight socionics functions can be described by three main dichotomies as follows:
Ne (black intuition) – extraverted, abstract, static perception.
Ni (white intuition) – introverted, abstract, dynamic perception.
Se (black sensory) – extraverted, concrete, static perception.
Si (white sensory) – introverted, concrete, dynamic perception.
Te  (black logics) – extraverted, objective, dynamic judgment.
Ti (white logics) – introverted, objective, static judgment.
Fe (black ethics) – extraverted, subjective, dynamic judgment.
Fi (white ethics) – introverted, subjective, static judgment.

Semantics of information aspects.
To determine the type you need to know the semantic content of the information aspects. If a person feels comfortable dealing with you he will be more open to say what he fancy, what is interesting and understandable for him. Russian proverb: “One talks about that hurts” is suitable  for talking about semantics of the information aspects.

Se sensory of power
Representation of will as a freedom of mind and body, freedom of action, willpower, will to aquire the  space; willingness to overcome obstacles and persistence, ability to mobilize, stability, a sense of ownership; desire, want / do not want, will to win, volitional quality , evaluation and demonstration, the ability to assess the balance of forces (force of the enemy and its ability to resist, to take a position), ownership, possession, money, appearance, beauty, sexual attraction. Stopping or pushing actions agility and quick reflexes, seizing the initiative, confrontation, engagement, impact, expansion, pressure, attack, aggression, violence, protection, defense, resistance, retreat, build strength, power influence, expansion .

Si  – sensory  of sensations
Sensation (heat / cold, chills); body position in space (comfort, convenience, cosines); perception of surfaces through touch (texture, smooth-rough), sight, hearing, smell, taste; physiological processes (fever, sweats, chills, hunger, nausea, dizziness, etc.); health, body and organs, diseases and their symptoms, physical pain, rehabilitation, treatment, medicine, spa, health centre, recreation, relaxation. Aesthetics, cleanliness, neatness, kitchen, cooking, food, Epicureanism, pleasure, enjoyment,  flavour; colour shades and combinations. Stroking, touching, feeling, cooking food.

Ne  – Insight intuition
Momentary inspiration, unexpected insight, extrasensory power, ideas, perspectives, truth, eureka, discovery, originality and innovation, genius, mystery, guess, the beginning, wonder, being nosy, surprise . Stem, core, grasp the essence of what is happening, awareness of the hidden potential, abilities and talents; perception of the whole and the relationships between parts of the whole, content, meaning, insight, alternatives, options, real-world opportunities.  advertising, spreading the ideas, innovation, selection, search, curiosity, self-confidence, erudition, giftedness,  transformation, reconstruction.

Ni  – Intuition of doubt
Vague misgivings , imagination,fantasy, a dream, an illusion, memories, past and future; change and development over time, evolution, change of seasons, day and night, age-related changes, forecast, foresight, premonition, destiny, fate, events, plot outline, the process,  speed, acceleration, rhythm, tempo, slow, timeliness, sense of time, abstract thinking, escape from reality.

Te  – Business logic
Facts, evidence, statistics, experimental verification, measurement, results , objectivity, management, benefits, efficiency in actions, goal-setting, planning, business activities, reasonable steps, tasks and their performance, work, labor, skills, qualifications, profession, experience, organization, system approach, object, object delivery, employment,  turnover; industry, economy, finance, cost, price, production, factory, manufacturing process, the operation; quantity and quality instruction, the algorithm mechanism, mechanical, engineering, technology, design, method.

Ti  – Formal logic
Objective  relations, ability to reason and judge, to be right, truth,  rules and principles, norms and standards, law and order, constitution,  structure, hierarchy, classification table, logical, categorical thinking, explanation, causal link (“if-then”), the criterion, the category, relativity and schematic judgments; principled judgments (“yes / no”); rigor, clarity, consistency of judgments, inference; logical operations, methods of reasoning, value, comparison, analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, conclusions, sequencing, modelling; formal, objective attitude, terminology, definition, attribute, symbol, sign, date, language, vocabulary, word, theory, theorem, argument, justification, commitment, code, statute, correlation, identification.

Fe  – Ethics of emotions
Expression of emotions. Delight, joy, sadness, anger, anxiety, agitation, excitement, panic, anxiety, fear, despair, admiration, hatred, resentment, crying, laughter, hysteria, temper, scandal, passions, depression, melancholy and suffering; strength, sincerity or artificiality of emotions, intonation, artistry, show, concert, theatre, acting, game of emotions, masquerade, spectacle, adrenaline, mood, charisma, experience, emotional state. Speech superlatives (awful, ugly, creepy, disgusting, awesome, gorgeous, huge, runaway, etc . Cry, inspire, impress, shock, shout, pretend, manipulate with emotions, persuade and motivate, create an emotional background, bewitch, enchant, colourful and fiery talk.

Fi  – Ethics of relations
Relationships between people. Subjective feelings, the relation of man to anyone or anything. Etiquette, sensitivity, compassion, love, forgiveness, respect, friendship, affection, tenderness, devotion, loyalty, caring, tolerance, gratitude, humanity, courtesy, tact, kindness. Morality, moral standards, good and evil,  ideals, mutual aid, charity, faith, hope,  honor, dignity, moral duty, responsibility, self-criticism, religion, sin, condemnation of evils, hatred, hypocrisy, meanness, treachery , conspiracy, condemnation, resentment, sympathy and antipathy, moral evaluation (“like / dislike”, “good / bad”).  To forgive, to love, to sacrifice, to believe, to hope, to care, to repent and feel sorry.

Table 1: Descriptions of the semantics of the information aspects. In certain aspects, the information is partially used from descriptions of functions of V. Blokhin (7).

Attribute Aspect Symbol


Logics Business logic
Being occupied with work, sports, walking, body movement are natural for the types with Te as a program function. Organization at work, at home or in any other environment is perceived as a core value and meaning of human existence.  They find impossible to sit idle, doing nothing and wasting time. Preference is given to practical activities and manual work. The propensity to engage in business and entrepreneurship. Increased physical activity and performance; a sense of ownership and control over the circumstances. Particular attention is paid to setting goals and achieving results, the search for and calculation of the profit, the creation of new technologies. Figures, calculations, instructions, experiments, a collection of statistics and factual evidence are an integral part of the manifestation of the business logic.

Formal logic

 socionic_WL If I think – I am alive. This statement by René Descartes about the thinking substance – consciousness, the requirement of which is clarity and distinctness. A penchant for logical analysis, finding the cause and effect of phenomena and actions of people. The desire for ordering and arranging objects and as well as ordering his own thoughts. The tendency to sketch information, to use classifications and tables. This man is driven primarily by the mind, by objective and impartial judgment. Thorough and profound study of the issues, detailed assessment and analysis of problems.

Ethics of emotions


If I express my emotions –  I am alive. “Life is a constant battle, peace is only a dream” – this quote by Alexander Blok captures the essence of this function.  Ability to express emotions openly and make the impression on others.  A remarkable skill of lifting up or putting down the mood of other people, make people laugh and cry, inspire and carry along. Bright oratorical quality, striving for leadership and mentoring. Fe-types are sociable and outgoing. It is difficult for them to endure the loneliness and not to share their feelings, experiences, and thoughts. They tend to show strong and prolonged empathy.  Fe –   types possess good insight of the emotional world of others. They track subtle changes in emotional state and respond timely. In a state of extreme excitement feelings are not suppressed but openly expressed. Expression of emotion is perceived as acute necessity and priority. Decisions are made depending on the emotional state of the moment. Life and love without emotions have no meaning to them. They expect sharing emotions in the relationship: their partners to be moved by their emotions and to show emotions in return.

Ethics of relationships


IIf I love –  I am alive. Focus on the feelings and the inner world, on issues of good and evil. Moral duty, responsibility, integrity, honesty, sincerity and purity of thoughts – belong to the sphere   of human relations, and is the focus of the function of ethical relations.   Desire to conform to the moral standards of society, to teach others to   comply with them, to pay attention to tradition, to judge and to talk about   morality (good / bad); to understand   the relationship of people; to assess and to be able to feel other people’s  needs as their own. Taking   interest in the feelings of people, their relationships and team-work.
Ability to settle disputes and avoid unnecessary quarrels. Non-conflict, compassion, loyalty and reliability –   qualities that help to convince others in their own rightness, to win the trust of people. It is natural for Fi-types to care for people, to be helpful and to be an example of moral purity. Likes and dislikes are not advertised, and may be even hidden from themselves.


Sensory of power

 socionic_BS If I am strong and confident, I am alive. ” I came, I   saw, I conquered ” – are the words of the Emperor   Julius Caesar about a quick and decisive victory reflects swiftness and vigor of the sensory of power. Willpower as a path to wealth, recognition, authority is associated with the ability to take what belongs to you.   Determination and perseverance, quick reaction. Focusing on material resources and expanding influence in the outside world. The desire to be the center of the universe, to be the sun which shines for all; the wish to conquer the hearts of the people and to have the freedom to act as you wish. Spontaneity in making decisions, impulsive actions, beauty, and grace – all mixed up in characteristics of this function. Impatience and passionate nature of Se -types may lead to hasty actions and unexpected negative consequences.   For Se –types is natural self-confidence and lack of doubt, lack of hesitation and procrastination. They are able to work under pressure, to put pressure on others and to defend their own interests. Se-   to types easily recognize the strong or weak willpower in others. They are very good at managing people, have remarkable organizational skills, easily distribute roles and delegate the tasks. Issues are solved immediately and are presented in the form of direct orders. Se-types do not wait too long for permission to take what they want and shift concerns on the shoulders of others if they can.

sensory of sensation

    socionic_WS If I feel sensations –  I am alive. Si-types automatically track the slightest change in bodily sensations, pay attention to their own physical health and well-being of others. They possess good knowledge of their body, where it hurts. Si –types can easily imagine the sensation of how different objects may feel to touch; they can easily imagine the pain from the body impact on the different objects.  Watching someone’s experience of sensations make them feel those sensations as acute as their own. They can experience and imagine the very wide spectrum of bodily sensations.
Catching the familiar scent may arise memories of the past and the past will be experienced as clearly as the present, here and now. Si – types appreciate relaxation and physical comfort, nice and cozy atmosphere, good food.  They try to avoid the fuss and extra stress in life, save power and energy, prefer to stay on the couch watching TV or reading a book. Si-types love nature, outdoor, water,  recreation, fishing, and barbecues. While at work their performance and concentration can easily degrade in the presence of odor, noise, sudden changes in temperature or humidity. Se-types are slow, prefer concreteness of thinking, focus on details.
The difficulty arises in understanding abstract ideas and theories, large-volume texts, and uncertainty of the meaning of what was said.
Si-types prefer manual labor and work with material objects, such as embroidery, manufacturing keys, shoe repair, tailoring, cooking, gardening, repairing equipment and etc. Si-types fancy sense of beauty, the harmony of the form and atmosphere. Their appearance is generally clean and good looking, they like wearing   comfortable clothing. They also like to collect beautiful things, crafts, art, tools, knives, bottles with unusual   shapes, etc.

Intuition of insight

  socionic_BI If I am full of ideas, I am alive. Life is a mystery and idea comes in the form of insight, when you least expect   it. It seems that understanding of many different issues happens effortless.   Ne- types are never bored and never sad because life is amazing, interesting, full of adventure and surprises. They want  to discover it and experience    to the full. At times it may be hard for them to decide what they want to do because they want a lot and are interested in many things at once.  That is why Ne –types do not experience depression for long or dwell on the failure. They know that life is always full of opportunities and if one door has closed in   front of you, there will be two new doors which will open. Intuition of never-ending possibilities turns life into a never-ending adventure. In the pursuit of new opportunities, promising projects, it may be  hard to to stop and to follow through. As a   result, there are more ideas than implemented projects. Thirst for knowledge pushes Ne-types forward to resolve new and unusual challenges. They are driven by ambition to be different and exceptional, to be a pioneer, to bring the light of knowledge, to carry unique tasks, to   find unexpected and original solutions to the problems. There must be an interest   and excitement in the project otherwise they will be not motivated.
Ne- types have to experience inspiration and creativity, without which life loses much of its appeal.They become quickly tired of monotony,  boring and tiresome work and search for new interesting ideas.  Ne-types do not like routine work and in particular domestic work. They expect the partners to look after their physical health and care for them otherwise they will ignore health problems and avoid a visit to a doctor. The pursuit of new experiences leads to frequent changes not only in interests but also in friends. Circle of friends is quite large and is constantly growing.
Ne-types have a good ability to recognize the potential of people.  They have a great talent to convince people, persuade,  motivate and inspire them b sharing new ideas. Ne-types find themselves professionally in various fields:  science and technology – from a scientist, innovator, and inventor, to an advertising and salesperson.

Intuition of doubt

      socionic_WI If I’m in doubt or day dream – I am alive. “To be or not to be: this is the question” – a line from Hamlet’s soliloquy in William Shakespeare’s tragedy. Intuition of doubt and vague premonition manifests in the vivid imagination, dynamic perception and artistic inclinations. Favourite hobby for Ni-types is to live in the world of the phantasy, not in the present moment. They tend to repeat themselves a lot while telling stories and transit on extraneous. As the result they may feel that they missed on something important or did not have said enough. This process may also go silent in their mind. If Ni-types ask for advice it is just their wish to express their doubt on the topic in question. If you try to offer solutions it will simply don’t work because any solution is a reason for a new doubt. There is nothing to surprise them as they believe to know it all. They rather want you appreciate their ability to undermine any solution and agree that there is no quick fit. It is much more useful for them to find the answer themselves, because they often doubt the answers of others and often change their minds.
Ni-types usually think in terms “what could be their life now, if they could change their past to the better”. Feeling of incompleteness and uncertainty is a natural state for them and they would rather stay where they are than to accept a quick way out. Ni-types are able to track subtle changes and like to warn others about the possibility for a negative outcome which may be understood by others as criticism. Position of waiting, indecision and insecurity is associated with playing a victim of circumstances. They may not want to take action and control on the situation. They need positive encouragement, friendly support, understanding and empathy from  others. Intuition of doubt is known also as intuition of time. Ni-types can fall easy out of the real-time  while day-dream and at the same time they can see into the future and make realistic predictions based on observation and thinking. 
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