What is Si?

The description of the essence of this function from the discussion on facebook from the lady SEI which I found useful and would like to share with you:
“I actually agree with what he wrote. The point of Si is to control the environment around the body/the experience of the body. To say Si doesn’t like intense physical experience doesn’t make sense to me. It’s similar to the idea that Se is more likely to like sports/exertion physically than Si. In my experience, I like the rush. I’ll seek out things that give a rush, that I can feel quite deeply. Physical adrenaline can be nice. Si can also choose “pain” on purpose. Someone wrote a bit back that Si would never seek out BDSM and that’s just dumb to me 😂 BDSM is all about physical awareness/sensation and some Si would have good reason to pursue those specific feelings. The point of Si isn’t that things have to be pleasant all the time bodily. The point is that Si base chooses what it wants for its body and gets irritated if someone/some experience forces a lack of control over that element. To achieve equilibrium internally, there is a high awareness of how things feel physically. Equilibrium doesn’t always translate to pleasant. (It’s pleasant in the sense that the person gets what they want but it doesn’t have to be pleasant/calm feeling.) It’s like saying Si wouldn’t like metal music because it’s loud and chaotic or something. Which I disagree with. Si is about “feeding” your body what it needs when it needs it and knowing what those ingredients are. Sometimes it’s pain. I do agree with Si being “in flow,” but again, that includes intensity. In flow doesn’t mean a low vibration of calm. It doesn’t make sense with my experience given how many inputs are coming in at all times and how we choose to react to them. Just my two cents. Maybe it would be helpful to ask other Si egos? -SEI”
Author nickname: SiFe

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